Python 2

Prepare for the PCPP-32-1, PCPP-32-2 certifications
What you will learn:
Advanced Object Oriented programming
GUI Programming
PEP conventions
Text File Processing
Program’s environment
Engineering, math, and science modules
Creating and Distributing Packages
Network Programming
Python-MySQL Database Access.
January'2021 session:
Future sessions:
Python 1

Prepare for the PCEP and PCAP certifications
What you will learn:
Fundamental concepts of computer programming
Syntax and semantics of the Python programming language
Python runtime environment.
data types and containers
Looping and control statements
Python programming language syntax, semantics
Python modules
object-oriented programming
January'2021 session:
Future sessions:
Courses come with
True-to-Life Simulations
Students are challenged with real-world scenarios. In one simulation, students can install hardware in a PC, boot it up, and then configure that hardware in the operating system. The scenarios they encounter in the course replicate everyday situations they will experience on the job as an IT technician.
Capstone and Sandbox Simulations
Most courses include capstone simulations that allow students to demonstrate mastery of specific skills. Course also provides sandbox simulations that give students an environment where they can experiment using a variety of hardware.
Multiple Operating Systems
Where it applies, we teach students how to complete tasks in several popular operating systems, including Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Linux, macOS, BIOS/UEFI, and more.
Unlimited Certification Practice Exams
Most courses include practice exams for relevant certification exams. Students can build confidence and testing acumen by practicing as many times as they like.
Everything You Need In One Resource
All courses include live instructor-led classes via zoom, on-demand instructional videos, text lessons, quizzes, and certification exam preparation materials.